

Form Builder - Fields



The textarea allows you to interact with a multi-line string:

use Filament\Forms\Components\Textarea;

Resizing the textarea

You may change the size of the textarea by defining the rows() and cols() methods:

use Filament\Forms\Components\Textarea;

Autosizing the textarea

You may allow the textarea to automatically resize to fit its content by setting the autosize() method:

use Filament\Forms\Components\Textarea;

Making the field read-only

Not to be confused with disabling the field, you may make the field "read-only" using the readOnly() method:

use Filament\Forms\Components\Textarea;

There are a few differences, compared to disabled():

  • When using readOnly(), the field will still be sent to the server when the form is submitted. It can be mutated with the browser console, or via JavaScript. You can use dehydrated(false) to prevent this.
  • There are no styling changes, such as less opacity, when using readOnly().
  • The field is still focusable when using readOnly().

Textarea validation

As well as all rules listed on the validation page, there are additional rules that are specific to textareas.

Length validation

You may limit the length of the textarea by setting the minLength() and maxLength() methods. These methods add both frontend and backend validation:

use Filament\Forms\Components\Textarea;

You can also specify the exact length of the textarea by setting the length(). This method adds both frontend and backend validation:

use Filament\Forms\Components\Textarea;
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